Bolton Islamic Girls School


GCSE Results 2024

  • 76% of learners achieved five GCSE’s with a grade 4-9 including English and Maths. Nationally this was 66.6%, North West England was 62.9%.
  • 62% of learners achieved five GCSE’s with a grade 5-9 including English and Maths. Nationally this was 47%, North West England was 42.9%.
  • Most improved subject this year is English Language with 90% pass rate.
  • Average attainment 8 achieved is 50.38, Bolton Average is 45.3, Nationally this is 46.3
  • EBacc entry this year was 71% in our school. In Bolton this was 31% and Nationally 39%.
  • 100% pass rate for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Urdu and Arabic.
  • 100% of students intend to move onto further education. Most students have moved onto either Bolton Sixth Form or Runshaw college.

Highest Grades Achieved

Subject Students achieving 
Grade 4-9
Highest grade 
English Language  90% 8
English Literature  93% 8
Maths 86% 8
Biology 100% 8
Chemistry 100% 7
Physics 100% 7
Combined Science

Computer Science


Urdu 100% 9
Arabic 100% 5
R.E 86% 8
History 71% 9

It is always an enjoyable morning sharing success and celebrating with pupils who have realised their potential in academic studies as well as developing into well rounded individuals with strong Islamic morals and identity.

Also, nationally the north has not performed as well as the south, so it is great to think we can be a leading light in the north to show that academic achievement is here as well.

If you have any further queries, in the first instance please contact Dr Zakia on You may also want to talk to the sixth form or college you plan to go to. They may well be flexible about their entry requirements.

Congratulations and well done again to our students for everything they have achieved in this most difficult of years. May Allah continue to bless them with success and enable them to prosper and continue to benefit others. Keep Believing, Achieving and Succeeding!

A big congratulations and Thank you to the governors, staff and community for their continual support and hard work and dedication for this project.

GCSE Results Detailed Analysis summer 2024